Code for America App

Bryan Bischof bio photo By Bryan Bischof Comment

The notion of Code for America is very attractive to me. In particular, the allure of working directly with a local government, is one of the ideal jobs I could ask for. While there would be some huge sacrifices to taking this position(not developing certain skills, forfeiting access to certain computational infrastructures, and of course, the money aspect), I am still interested. So I decided to apply.

Data Challenge

The coding challenge was very very easy:

Given the following `csv`, compute the number of violations by type, and the first and last violation in each set.

And they provide a little data file with columns:


so the actual problem just requires a groupby, count, and min/max. However, the challenge asks specifically for you to present this output. Whence I decided to just use js/D3 for the whole challenge.

I had to remember how to use nest():

d3.nest().key(function(d) {return d.violation_type}).entries(data)

and then I did the fun thing of deciding how to draw this data. The data sets were so small, and so limited in time-scale, but I like the idea of something histogram-y. Since the number of total points was tiny, and one-dimensional, I remembered that beeswarms could be usable. So I went with that.

Here’s the live version.

An Alternative

The reality is, while the beeswarm is fun and kinda cool, I have to admit that it might just be better to use a calendar visualization. Because it’s all a single year I can use the exploded version of the calendar that takes up a bit more space and really highlights the delineation between the months.

Here’s the live version.

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